In the Wake of COVID-19

Hello everyone! We're feeling much better. We both tested negative several days ago and, according to CDC guidelines, have been noncontagious for about as long. We even went on a hike recently, and while it wasn't graceful or pretty, we made it back to the boat in one piece. We're so thankful we--and those close to us--were fully vaccinated. After speaking with others who barely survived early COVID variants before this protection was available, we appreciate how good we had it. Still, we don't want to sugar-coat it. Getting covid still sucks. Weeks later, Dave still has a cough, and I'm still fatigued. The mental fog and ability to retrieve words are...bad. We're not out of the woods yet. Bottom line: COVID: 0/5 stars; would not recommend. The sailing, however, has been fantastic. Strong winds, very little motoring--we suppose that's the benefit of experiencing winter in May! The climate change aspect of this weather is a bummer though. But now that we...