Wonder and Awe on the Pacific Baja Coast

Photograph by Kristin Pederson "In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities. In the expert's mind, there are very few." -Suzuki Roshi, Zen Mind: Beginner's Mind Sailing with Crew Again When looking back at our earlier sailing experiences, we remember they held certain magic and imagination. This was before we set expectations, before we thought we knew what cruising was supposed to be. Every day was a discovery. And it was hard and gritty and wonderful and surprising. We made countless mistakes, reflected, and continued making them. We were open to new ideas. We were learning. And somehow along the way, I think I lost some of these qualities. I cared too much about being seen as a capable sailor that I may have focused less on the best part of sailing: the lifelong learning. Kristin had a positive effect on us this trip. Despite her extensive years and skills in the sailing industry, she never flaunts them. She looks at everything with an open mind...