Hey Bear!

Lone grey wolf tracks on Brooks Peninsula HEY BEAR! We are in love. Yeah yeah we're in love with each other and all that romance of course, but I'm talking about something different here: our love for Vancouver Island's wild west coast. After a short vacation in Barkley Sound in 2014 and a quick sailby on the way home from Alaska in 2018, we're finally giving this area the time it deserves. So far, it's living up to expectations. If you like solitude, unspoiled nature, and the potential to run away to live with wolves, this is the place for you. Come here. Come now (or at least in July and August when it's warmer). HEY BEAR! We staged for the big cape rounding in Bull Harbour on Hope Island. Home of the Tlatlasikwala, Nakumgilisala, and Yutlinuk peoples, the island is off-limit to visitors so we stayed aboard De Novo, got cozy, and studied the weather. The conditions for crossing Nawhitti Bar the next day weren't ideal. 20-25 knots from the northwest, 4-7 ...